September 6, 2022

Amazon Keyword Ranking: Best Tools and Tips to Improve Ranking

Amazon Keyword Ranking: Best Tools and Tips to Improve Ranking
Amazon Keyword Ranking: Best Tools and Tips to Improve Ranking

Amazon Keyword Ranking: Best Tools and Tips to Improve Ranking

The Amazon marketplace is home to over 300 million active users and roughly 3700 new sellers every day. The platform has become a go-to for both consumers and retailers. 

With the fierce competition on Amazon, it is important to consciously work on your Amazon keyword ranking. 

As an Amazon seller, you will need to begin with proper keyword research to find search terms that are relevant for search results and profitable for business. 

We know that the competition is fierce and this is why we have come up with tools and tips to help improve your keyword ranking and increase sales on Amazon

What are Amazon keywords? 

Amazon isn't just one of the largest online marketplaces in the world, it is also a search engine with its own algorithm. Just like any search engine, you need to type in certain words to get the most relevant results. 

Amazon keywords are words and phrases or search terms that people input into the Amazon search bar. 

As an Amazon seller, you need to include the right keywords to increase your discoverability on Amazon. The more your keywords match a customer's search query, the higher your product listing ranks on Amazon search results, increasing conversion rates and sales. 

Best Amazon keyword tools for keyword research and ranking

Incorporating the right keywords in your product listing starts with one important step - keyword research. 

Amazon keyword research involves identifying Amazon customer search terms and using these search terms for product listing optimization. 

Thankfully, Amazon keyword tools do all the hard work for you. These tools gather data from Amazon and provide you with various search terms to help you generate quality traffic and get you ranking high on search results. 

We've curated a list of top keyword tools that can help you identify the right keywords for your Amazon business. 

  1. Ahrefs 
  2. Sonar 
  3. SellerApp
  4. Jungle Scout 
  5. Helium10


Ahrefs - SEO Tools & Resources To Grow Your Search Traffic

Ahrefs is one of the best tools for several reasons. It can provide accurate and comprehensive data for your keyword research. This tool can let you into your competitor's backlinks, pay-per-click campaigns, and organic keywords. 

Ahrefs boasts of a database of over 7 billion keywords and data for 171 countries. If you want a keyword tool that helps you dive into advanced metrics, this is a great choice for you. 

Ahrefs isn't the cheapest option and comes with only paid plans. 

Pricing plans 

  • Lite plan at $99/month or $990/year
  • Standard plan at $199/month or $1990/year 


If you're a new retailer selling on Amazon and don't want to start investing in a keyword tool right away, this free tool could be a great starting point for you. 

Sonar gathers real data from Amazon customer search queries helping you target more accurately. 

With this keyword tool, you can discover competitor keywords and find the most profitable for your Amazon business. 


From optimizing your product prices, product listing, and PPC campaigns, SellerApp is an amazing all-in-one tool packed with a 135+ million keyword database. 

Each keyword comes with supporting data that includes monthly search volumes, impression rates, CPC costs, and relevance score which helps you target the most profitable keywords.

SellerApp also gives you insight into competitor keywords and performs reverse Amazon ASIN searches. 

Pricing plans 

  • Freemium plan (free for new sellers)
  • Pro Lite plan at $39 per month (For sellers selling multiple products)
  • Professional plan at $79 per month (Sellers looking to expand) 

Jungle Scout 

Jungle Scout is a comprehensive Amazon FBA tool that provides everything you need from product research to product launch, driving conversion rates, and increasing sales on Amazon. Particularly, their keyword tool provides keyword-level insights and customer search trends that help you choose the most profitable keywords. 

You can also perform reverse ASIN searches to know what buyers are searching for. 

Pricing plans

  • Basic plan of $39 per month
  • Suite plan of $69 per month
  • Professional plan of $129 per month 
  • 55% savings on a yearly subscription with a 14-day money-back guarantee. 


With Helium10, you can simplify your keyword research and monitor both organic and paid keywords from a single dashboard. 

You can keep track of important data including monthly searches and keyword rankings. You can also use this tool to anticipate trends for future business decisions.

Pricing plans 

  • Free (with limited features)
  • Platinum plan at $97 per month
  • Diamond plan at $197 per month
  • Elite plan at $397 per month

7 keyword tips to rank higher on Amazon 

Reaching the right customers, boosting sales, and increasing your Amazon profit rely heavily on your Amazon keywords. Here are seven keyword tips that will help you rank higher on Amazon search results, reach your target audience, and increase sales:

  1. Research with Amazon keyword tools 
  2. Select relevant keywords
  3. Incorporate keywords into your product listing
  4. Optimize product images with keywords 
  5. Incorporate long-tail keywords 
  6. Include backend keywords 
  7. Monitor your keyword performance 

Research with Amazon keyword tools 

The first step to ranking on Amazon search results is to carry out keyword research. 

Keyword research involves the process of searching and selecting keywords or search terms that customers or users enter into search engines when looking for a product. 

Keyword tools simplify the process of keyword research and also help you widen your search. 

Amazon is not only an ecommerce platform but also one of the largest search engines in the world. In fact, according to eMarketer, 49% of online shopping searches started on Amazon in 2020. 

With this data, it is clear that Amazon users will have different search intents. To get profitable keywords that rank higher on search results and increase sales on Amazon, it is best to use more Amazon-specific keyword tools. These tools will be able to pull data from Amazon and generate a list of profitable keywords. You can use keyword tools like Jungle Scout, Sonar, and other tools listed above. 

In addition, you can use the Amazon search bar to type in base keywords and get insight into what people are searching for. 

Select relevant keywords 

The goal of keyword research and optimization is conversion. As an Amazon seller, it is crucial to select keywords that are relevant to your product listing. 

Imagine you searched for a backpack and saw a water bottle instead. This is what it looks like when you incorporate irrelevant keywords into your listing. 

Using irrelevant keywords not only hurts your product ranking but can also get you penalized by Amazon. 

To generate conversions and increase sales, it is important only to choose relevant keywords. Avoid picking keywords based on high search volume. Instead, carefully brainstorm and create a list of keywords that are relevant to your product. 

Incorporate keywords into your product listing

Now, this is where all the action happens. Once you have created a list of relevant keywords, the next step is to incorporate them into your product listing. 

Include these keywords first in your product title. Ensure it contains the most relevant keywords alongside a proper description of the product including components like the size and color of the product. Include your keywords in the bullet point section and product description on your product listing. Ensure they are both relevant and accurate. You can include synonyms and other related keywords. You can check out this guideline on how to use search terms effectively. 

Optimize product images with keywords 

Optimizing your product image is an excellent strategy for increasing visibility on a competitive platform like Amazon. Incorporating keywords into your product image file name is one way to do this. Ensure your product image file properly describes your product. For example, if you are selling running shoes, you want to ensure that “running shoes” is included in the file name. In addition, include keywords in your alternate (alt) text. 

Incorporate long-tail keywords 

Long-tail keywords are more specific search terms of about three or more words. Typically, long-tail keywords have lesser traffic and are more strategic. 

Using long-tail keywords doesn't only help you rank higher but also ensures that you get more qualified traffic. Include long-tail keywords in your product title and product content. Long-tail keywords can also give you an advantage when running PPC campaigns.  

Include backend keywords 

Some keywords are profitable but you may not be able to put them on your product listing. This is where backend keywords come in. 

As the name suggests, these keywords appear at the back end of your product listing. While customers can't see it, these keywords tell Amazon that these keywords are relevant to your product listing. If you have a list of relevant keywords that couldn't go into your listing, you can add them to your Amazon Seller account.

To do this, go to your Amazon Seller Central account and under the inventory menu, click on Manage Inventory

Next, choose the listing where you want to add the backend keywords, click on Edit, select the keywords tab and add backend keywords in the search term bar. Lastly, Save and Finish

Your backend keywords only allow 250 bytes so you want to ensure you minimize unnecessary special characters. Choose important keywords that help you rank higher on Amazon. 

Monitor your keyword performance

Keyword optimization is a continuous process. After including keywords into your listing, it is important to monitor them to ensure they are driving traffic to your listing. If some keywords aren't driving traffic, you can easily swap them for more profitable ones. 

Some keywords may also lose relevance over time. Monitoring your keywords will help you stay relevant, drive traffic, generate quality leads and increase conversions for your Amazon business. 


You can start today with these tools and tips for keyword ranking. Incorporating the right keywords will improve your marketing efforts and ultimately increase your conversion rate. Amazon keywords are dynamic and are never one-size-fits-all. You want to ensure you monitor your keywords regularly to stay relevant and a step ahead of the competition. 

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