January 4, 2023

How to Improve Your Amazon Conversion Rate in 2023

This is a blog post about how to increase your conversion rate by optimizing your Amazon listing among other strategies to increase your conversion rate.
How to Improve Your Amazon Conversion Rate in 2023
How to Improve Your Amazon Conversion Rate in 2023

How to Improve Your Amazon Conversion Rate in 2023

Are you an Amazon seller with hundreds of people clicking on your product listing but only a small proportion making a purchase? 

Getting traffic on your Amazon product listing is great. But what's even more crucial is having customers take further action on your Amazon page. You don't just want your customers to go through your product listing, you also want them to buy your product. 

How can you get customers to take further action? How can you increase conversion rate and sales? 

In this article, we will learn about Amazon conversion rate and how to increase sales and profits on Amazon. 

What is a good Amazon conversion rate? 

Your Amazon conversion rate is a percentage of clicks that turn into sales. In other words, your Amazon conversion rate shows you how many shoppers buy your product after checking your product listing on Amazon. 

A “good” conversion rate is subjective. However, the Amazon marketplace is a platform with a large and trusted customer base. This is why many businesses are selling on Amazon

Different categories and niches have varying conversion rates. However, a good conversion rate on Amazon falls between 10%-15%. This depends on several factors including the price of the product, shipping speed, reviews, listing optimization, and so on. 

How to find your conversion rate on Amazon 

Here's how to find your Amazon conversion rate:

  • Firstly go to your Amazon Seller account and on your dashboard hover around the “Reports” tab
  • Click on “Business Reports” and then click on “Detail Page Sales and Traffic By Child Item” from the options 
  • In the report, you will find the conversion rate in the column labeled  “Unit Session Percentage”. 

This report will show you data for each item you sell on Amazon. This includes page views, total sessions, units ordered, and conversion rate. 

How to improve your conversion rate on Amazon in 2023

Now we know what a good conversion rate on Amazon is, let's go over some tips to help you increase your conversion rate and sales on Amazon. 

  1. Optimize your product listing
  2. Get your pricing right
  3. Sign up for Amazon FBA
  4. Grow your customer reviews
  5. Promote with Amazon advertising 
  6. Add discounts and promotions
  7. Bundle your products 

Optimize your product listing 

To increase conversion rate and sales on Amazon, you need to ensure your product listing is the best it can be. Your product listing should be well-optimized to improve your customer's shopping experience. 

Optimizing your product listing is a loaded tip, so let's look at how to optimize different parts of your product listing:

Carry out keyword research 

Optimizing your product listing involves enhancing and improving your listing to help it rank and attract the right customers. The first step to doing this is to research relevant keywords. 

Customers use search terms and phrases to look for products that match their needs. As an Amazon seller, it is important to research relevant keywords and input them throughout your listing. You can start by using the Amazon Search bar to look for popular keywords within your niche. Invest in a keyword research tool like Ahrefs or Jungle Scout to find high-converting keywords for your product. 

Optimize your product title, bullet point, and product description 

Next, you want to focus on your product title, bullet point, and product description. Your product title should include the most relevant keywords and information like the size and color of the product. It should also be short and punchy. 

The bullet point section and product description should properly explain what your product is, the key features and benefits, and other important information that will help customers make a buying decision. Don't forget to include relevant keywords in your content. 

Add high-quality product images and videos 

If potential customers will only get to see your product through images and videos, you want to ensure they are high-quality. Take pictures of your product from various angles. Include lifestyle images to show your customers what it's like to use your product. You can also add product videos to bring your products to life. 

Lastly, ensure you are following Amazon's image guidelines and requirements

Use Amazon A+ content 

Amazon A+ content is a feature available to sellers registered under the Amazon Brand Registry. With Amazon A+ content, you can include more text, images, infographics, and other features in your product listing. This will enhance your product listing and ultimately increase your conversion rate. 

Get your pricing right 

The pricing of your product is crucial to increasing your conversion rate on Amazon. You want to ensure you set your prices based on factors like the quality of your product, your profit margin, and the competition. 

Keep in mind that if prices are too low, customers may equate it to a cheap product. On the flip side, if your prices are too high, it could put customers off. You want to find the perfect middle spot. You can invest in an Amazon repricing tool to ensure your prices stay competitive. 

Sign up for Amazon FBA

Amazon shoppers want to get their products in the shortest possible time (between two days or less). With Amazon FBA, you can speed up the process of order fulfillment and have your products delivered to customers faster than your competitors. 

With the FBA service, Amazon handles the entire process. From packing, handling, shipping, and even customer service. All you need to do is send your products to Amazon fulfillment centers. Signing up for Amazon FBA also means your product will be Prime-eligible, making it more appealing to customers. 

Grow your customer reviews 

Your products and brand are only as good as your reputation. Customers are more likely to buy your product if other customers have a good experience using it. This is why nine out of ten customers read customer reviews before making a purchase. 

It is important to request reviews from your customers. You can use the “Request a Review” button on Amazon to request reviews on your product. You can also invest in customer review software or use emails and social media. 

Promote with Amazon Advertising 

One of the most important tips for selling on Amazon is to advertise your product. The more people that see your product, the higher the possibility of getting a conversion. 

Amazon has three major advertising options: Sponsored Product Ads, Sponsored Brand Ads, and Amazon Display Ads

If you are a new seller, we recommend the Sponsored Product Ad as this can help increase your brand visibility and conversion rate. 

You can also take advantage of the Amazon DSP (Demand-side Platform) to reach a wider audience and increase conversion rates. 

Add discounts and promotions 

You can increase your conversion rates by adding attractive deals like discounts and promotions to your product listing. This is especially useful if you are selling new products. You can add a 5% or 10% discount coupon to your product listing. This usually comes in an orange tag which stands out to customers in search results. You can create discounts and promotions from the dashboard on your Seller account. 

Simply hover around the Advertising tab to choose the type of deals you want to offer. 

Bundle your products

If you sell complementary products, you can bundle them to increase conversion rates. For example, if you sell a camera, you can include a photo display stand and a print film. This comes with multiple benefits both for you and your customers. Buying a bundle makes it more convenient for your customers and can also increase your chances of winning the Buy Box if your bundle is a popular choice. 

Keep an eye on your conversion rate 

Poor conversion rates only mean wasted spending on marketing and lost sales. As an Amazon seller, having a good conversion rate is a great way to maximize your profits. Not only does it impact your profit, but it also improves your ranking on Amazon. 

There are several strategies to improve your conversion rate. However, we have highlighted a few you can put into action right away. 

You can also reach out to experts on ePlaybooks for more tailor-made strategies for your Amazon business. 

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