March 20, 2024

Walmart Selling Strategies to Increase Sales

The Walmart marketplace is an important place to be as an E-commerce retailer. Learn all you need to know about strategies to increase sales on the Walmart marketplace.
Walmart Selling Strategies to Increase Sales
Walmart Selling Strategies to Increase Sales

The Walmart marketplace has emerged as a dominant force in the ecommerce space, offering sellers a lucrative platform to showcase their products to millions of potential customers around the world. 

Thanks to its innovative features, significantly low competition, and excellent reputation, business owners can reach a wider audience and double up their sales and profits. 

However, to succeed on the Walmart marketplace, you need to implement effective selling strategies that put you ahead of the competition and push your sales charts up. 

Read on as we explore a few effective strategies that you can implement today to increase your sales on the Walmart marketplace. 

Why choose the Walmart marketplace? 

Selling on the Walmart Marketplace can provide several benefits for your business. 

If you’re wondering what perks come with selling on Walmart, here are a few reasons why you might want to consider selling on the platform: 

Large customer base

Perhaps one of the most direct benefits of selling on the Walmart Marketplace is access to a large customer base. By selling on Walmart, you get access to millions of potential customers who visit the platform regularly. Walmart's vast reach allows you to showcase your products to a diverse audience, increasing your chances of attracting new shoppers and expanding your customer base.

No monthly fees

Unlike some other online marketplaces, Walmart Marketplace adopts a fair pricing model. You don't have to pay monthly fees or subscriptions. You will only be charged referral fees when you make a sale. 

Leverage Walmart's brand authority 

Walmart holds significant brand authority as one of the world's largest and most recognized retailers. Leveraging Walmart's brand authority can give your products a competitive edge and increase your customer’s confidence. 

Less competition

The Walmart Marketplace has a less crowded competitive landscape than many other online marketplaces like Amazon. The platform carefully selects its sellers based on strict criteria, creating an exclusive group of merchants. This limited competition gives your products a better chance to stand out, capture attention, and pull in sales.

10 top strategies to increase your sales on the Walmart marketplace 

Ready to increase sales on the Walmart marketplace? Here are a few strategies that you can implement to increase sales and become successful on the Walmart marketplace:  

  1. Optimize your Walmart product listings
  2. Implement competitive pricing strategies 
  3. Leverage Walmart Sponsored Products
  4. Offer free and fast shipping
  5. Maintain excellent customer service 
  6. Diversify your product offerings
  7. Run strategic promotions
  8. Optimize for mobile users
  9. Utilize social media marketing
  10. Monitor and analyze performance metrics 

Optimize your Walmart product listings

The start of a successful ecommerce platform lies in effective product listings. Walmart places a significant emphasis on listing quality and data accuracy. You want to ensure that your product listings are rich in information, including clear and high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and accurate specifications.

Use relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions to enhance your discoverability on search results. 

Carry out thorough keyword research to understand the search terms potential customers are likely to use when searching for products similar to yours. 

By incorporating these keywords and leveraging Walmart’s search algorithm, you can improve your product's visibility, drive traffic to your store, and ultimately increase sales. 

Implement competitive pricing strategies 

Pricing plays a crucial role in influencing our purchasing decisions. Walmart is well-known for offering affordable products and Walmart customers are known for their price sensitivity. 

So, as a Walmart seller, it is crucial to adopt competitive pricing strategies. Regularly monitor your competitors' prices and adjust your own accordingly.

Consider implementing dynamic pricing tools that automatically adjust your prices based on market conditions, competitor pricing, and other relevant factors. However, be cautious not to engage in a price war that could thwart your profit margins.

Leverage Walmart Sponsored Products

Walmart Sponsored Products is a powerful advertising tool that allows sellers to promote their products within the Walmart Marketplace. By investing in sponsored product ads, you can increase the visibility of your listings and drive targeted traffic to your products.

Ensure you create compelling ad copy and use high-quality images to make your sponsored products stand out. Monitor the performance of your sponsored ads regularly and adjust your strategy based on the data. This can help you identify top-performing products and refine your advertising efforts to maximize ROI.

Offer free and fast shipping

Walmart prioritizes customer satisfaction, and one key aspect of this is fast and reliable shipping. Consider offering free shipping or, at the very least, affordable shipping rates. 

With Walmart's TwoDay Delivery program, you can showcase products eligible for fast shipping, improving your chances of winning the Buy Box and boosting overall sales.

Fulfillment options such as Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) or third-party logistics providers can help streamline your shipping processes, improving customer satisfaction. Fast and reliable shipping not only improves customer satisfaction but also positively impacts your seller rating on the platform.

Maintain excellent customer service 

Building trust with customers is vital for long-term success on the Walmart Marketplace. You can do this by providing excellent customer service. 

Walmart places a high value on seller performance metrics, so maintaining positive customer feedback is crucial for your seller rating.

Utilize Walmart's Customer Service Metrics dashboard to monitor and manage your performance. Respond to customer complaints promptly and professionally. Implementing a responsive and customer-centric approach will not only satisfy existing customers but also contribute to building a positive reputation that attracts new buyers.

Diversify your product offerings

Expanding your product catalog can be a strategic move to increase sales on the Walmart Marketplace. First, you want to analyze customer trends and identify complementary products that align with your existing offerings. By diversifying your product range, you can cater to a broader audience and encourage repeat purchases from existing customers.

However, it's essential to maintain a balance and ensure that the new products complement your brand and appeal to your target market. Conduct market research to understand the demand for potential additions to your catalog and make informed decisions about expanding your product line.

Run strategic promotions 

One of the most powerful ways you can draw eyes to your listings and increase sales is by running promotions. You can choose from one of these two banners, depending on your needs.

  • Clearance: if you choose to run this promotion, you will see a “CLEARANCE” badge above your product, indicating that customers are getting a better-than-average deal. You can use this promotion if you’re trying to speed up slow-moving stock, excess inventory, or seasonal items.
  • Reduced: With this promotion, you will see a “REDUCED PRICE” badge with products that have more than $5 off on items more than $100 or 5% on items under $100. This promotion is great if you’re looking for a quick boost in sales.

Optimize for mobile users

A significant portion of online shoppers now use mobile devices to make purchases. Ensure that your Walmart Marketplace listings are optimized for mobile users to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. Test your product pages on various devices to ensure they load quickly and display properly on smartphones and tablets.

Optimizing for mobile not only improves the user experience but can also positively impact your search rankings, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. 

Utilize social media marketing

While Walmart provides a robust marketplace, social media marketing efforts can significantly boost your brand visibility and drive traffic to your Walmart listings. Leverage social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to showcase your products, engage with your audience, and promote special offers or discounts.

Consider running targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential customers who may not be actively searching on Walmart. By creating a marketing strategy that integrates both the Walmart Marketplace and social media channels, you can amplify your reach and increase sales.

Monitor and analyze performance metrics 

You need to make continuous improvements to remain successful on the Walmart Marketplace. 

To do this, you need to regularly monitor performance metrics provided by Walmart's Seller Center to gain insights into your sales, customer satisfaction, and overall marketplace performance. Analyze this data to identify trends, spot opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy.

Some Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include conversion rates, click-through rates, customer feedback, and order fulfillment times. By staying vigilant and responsive to your performance metrics, you can adjust your strategies to align with the latest marketplace trends and customer preferences.

Walmart selling toolkit 

Walmart offers some tools that can help you attract customers and push up sales. Here are a few tools to help you increase product visibility and aid overall success on the Walmart marketplace: 

Listing Quality Dashboard

The Listing Quality Dashboard is a tool that can help you create stellar listings that stand out. The dashboard shows you a listing score and gives you a breakdown of how you can improve it. 

With this tool, you can create product listings that attract customers and boost conversions. 

Walmart TwoDay shipping

Walmart TwoDay Shipping is a program that offers free delivery in two days for eligible product listings. By opting for Walmart Fulfillment Services, you can have Walmart handle the storing, packing, shipping, and customer service and have your orders delivered to your customers within two days. You can also decide to fulfill the orders yourself or use third-party fulfillment options like Deliverr. 

Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS)

With Walmart Fulfillment Services, you can streamline your order fulfillment process. You can send inventory to Walmart Fulfillment centers and get access to Walmart’s Free & Easy Returns Program. 

With WFS, Walmart picks, packs, and ships your item to your customer on your behalf. Walmart also handles customer support and product returns. 

Pro-seller Badge

The pro-seller badge is a top badge given to high-performers on the Walmart marketplace. The badge lets customers know that you are consistently delivering great shopping experiences. To qualify for the Pro-seller badge, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Listing Quality Score: 70% of a seller’s trending catalog must be above 60%.
  • Delivery defect rate: less than 10%.
  • Cancellations: less than 2%.
  • Orders: More than 100 in the last 90 days.

Final thoughts 

By adopting these top strategies, you can navigate the competitive landscape of the Walmart Marketplace and position your products for success. From optimizing product listings to leveraging selling tools and providing exceptional customer service, you can build a strong presence on the platform and maximize sales.

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