May 2, 2024

How to Get Authentic Reviews on Amazon

If you're looking for a surefire way to get more sales and better reviews on Amazon, this guide is for you! Learn the best tips and tricks to get real reviews in no time.
How to Get Authentic Reviews on Amazon
Shannon Okubor
How to Get Authentic Reviews on Amazon

Product reviews play a critical role in consumer decision-making. Nine out of ten consumers will go through product reviews before buying a product. 

Reviews on Amazon not only give shoppers confidence in the quality of a product, but they also influence the ranking of a product on Amazon search results. 

As a retailer selling on Amazon, how do you get authentic Amazon product reviews? 

In this article, we will cover effective ways to get authentic Amazon reviews in 2023 and look at how not to get Amazon reviews. 

Why are product reviews important on Amazon? 

Amazon reviews are important for several reasons. Firstly, Amazon reviews play a critical role in decision-making. According to Jungle Scout’s Consumer Trends Report, consumers are influenced to buy a product that has a positive Amazon rating and review. 

Product reviews are one of the best forms of social proof, as they provide customers with a second opinion on the product. Nobody wants to buy a product they are not happy with. One way to prevent this is to find out if others are happy with using the product. 

Secondly, Amazon reviews influence your ranking on Amazon. Amazon prioritizes showing customers some of the best products at the most affordable prices. Amazon is likely to rank your product higher on search results if it has good reviews and ratings. 

Thirdly, Amazon reviews directly affect your brand's reputation, influencing whether consumers perceive your brand positively or negatively. A high number of positive reviews can enhance your brand's credibility, while a significant number of negative reviews can harm your reputation. 

Amazon reviews can significantly impact your product's sales and conversion rates. A product with high ratings and positive reviews is more likely to convert, as it appears more trustworthy to potential buyers. 

Also, as an Amazon seller, your Amazon seller feedback can influence your Buy Box wins. By maintaining good customer satisfaction, you can increase your Amazon feedback rating, and increase your chances of winning the Buy Box.

Lastly, Amazon reviews can be a powerful analysis tool for your Amazon product research. Through Amazon reviews, you can obtain useful market insights relating to your product. 

10 ways to get authentic Amazon product reviews

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Now we know how powerful product reviews are. How can you get authentic product reviews on your Amazon product listing? Let's look at eight ways you can get authentic product reviews on Amazon.

  1. Sell a valuable product
  2. Use the Amazon “Request a Review” button
  3. Use product inserts
  4. Follow-up on customers using emails 
  5. Leverage social media 
  6. Take advantage of the Amazon Vine Program 
  7. Attend to negative Amazon reviews 
  8. Provide great customer service 
  9. Regularly offer discounts and special promotions
  10. Avoid black hat tactics

Sell a valuable product 

No matter how much advertising you do on your product, if you don't sell a great product or misinform customers about the benefits of your product, you are likely to get a swarm of negative reviews on your product. So, the first way to get a good review on your product is to sell a valuable product. Before choosing a product to sell, you want to carry out proper research to ensure your product is solving a problem. Is it a product customers will love to recommend? 

Also, ensure that the product provides all the information customers need to make a buying decision. You want to avoid creating confusion or misinforming your customers. 

Use the Amazon “Request a Review” button

With the Amazon “Request a Review” button, you can easily request a review for your orders through your Amazon Seller Central account within a time frame of five to thirty days. 

With this feature, you can potentially increase your chances of getting a review on your product. 

You can find the “Request a Review” button on the details page for each buyer's order on your Amazon Seller Central. 

Once you click the button, an email is sent to the customer requesting them to leave a review on your product. The downside to this process is that you have to go through every order to click on the button. However, this can be easily solved using Amazon review tools like Jungle Scout's Extension. With this tool, you can make bulk requests. Keep in mind that you cannot send follow-up messages after the initial request has been sent, and the message cannot be customized. 

Use product inserts

Another easy way to encourage users to drop reviews on your product is through product inserts. You can insert a card in your product packaging encouraging customers to leave a review. Get creative with your messaging and ensure your design stands out. However, it is important to follow Amazon's guidelines when using product inserts.

Here are some Amazon product insert guidelines to keep in mind: 

  • Avoid asking customers to leave a five-star review on your product. Instead, simply remain neutral. 
  • Include useful information about your product and company. 
  • Ensure customers can contact you if an issue arises. However, don't request that customers contact you outside the Buyer-Seller Messaging platform.

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Follow-up on customers using emails 

It is important to point out that as long as customers are buying products on Amazon, they are Amazon's customers. 

To build a relationship with customers and build your brand, you will need to do so off-Amazon.

You can create an email list through your website or social media. Once you have your mailing list, you can easily request a review through emails. 

Some customers will be happy to leave a review but do not think it is important. Communicating with your customers will help them understand the importance of leaving a review on your product. It is also an excellent way to build a relationship with them and increase your customer retention.

How to not get product reviews on Amazon

Amazon takes product reviews very seriously and going against Amazon's product review rules can get you suspended. Now you know how to get authentic product reviews on your product. Here are some ways not to get product reviews on Amazon: 

You are not permitted to incentivize reviews

Before 2016, sellers could offer products at a low price or for free in exchange for a product review. However, this led to over-inflated reviews and this was banned in 2016. Today, you are not permitted to incentivize reviews. Incentivizing reviews can get your account suspended. 

You are not permitted to ask family and friends for reviews

Amazon prioritizes authentic reviews and wants reviews to give customers accurate and unbiased information about a product. So, your family and friends are not the most reliable sources. If Amazon notices any unusual activity on your account, it could get restricted. 

Avoid using fake third-party review services 

Many third-party review services fake 5-star ratings for a price. This is highly prohibited on Amazon. While buying fake Amazon reviews may seem like a viable option, this can backfire quickly. If you are caught faking reviews, your account could be suspended. Directing customers to external sites for purchases or savings is also not allowed.

Avoid removing negative reviews unfairly 

Resist the temptation to report or request the removal of negative reviews unfairly. You cannot request specific types of reviews, such as positive ones, or ask customers to remove negative feedback. Amazon prioritizes the authenticity of reviews, and attempting to manipulate or remove legitimate feedback can result in penalties. 

Avoid pressuring or harassing customers for Amazon reviews 

You want to avoid pressuring or harassing customers to leave reviews, as this can create a negative experience and lead to resentment towards your brand. Respect customers' autonomy and allow them to leave reviews voluntarily. 

Avoid violating Amazon’s guidelines 

Amazon reserves the right to suspend or terminate a seller's account if it finds that the seller has violated community guidelines. This can result in the removal of the seller's products from the platform and the loss of any sales made through the account. In some cases, Amazon may take legal action against sellers who engage in fraudulent practices, including the use of promotional reviews. This can result in fines, penalties, and further damage to the seller's reputation. 

Also, if you violate Amazon's guidelines, you can lose the trust of your customers and other sellers. This can have long-term effects on your business, including reduced sales and difficulty attracting new customers.

Final thoughts 

As we've already established, product reviews are critical to selling on Amazon. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly increase the volume of positive reviews for your products and enhance your product's visibility and credibility on Amazon. You can go through our article above to get ideas on how to get authentic product reviews on Amazon. Remember to follow Amazon's rules to avoid losing your rights to sell on Amazon. =

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