October 15, 2021

Top 10 ways to increase your Amazon sales rank 

Top 10 ways to increase your Amazon sales rank 
Top 10 ways to increase your Amazon sales rank 

As an Amazon seller, new or experienced, getting your products in front of potential customers is a major step to increase sales on Amazon. In other words, you need to rank higher on search engine results for customers to see and buy your product. 

The question for most sellers is “How can my product rank higher in search results?”

If you have a similar question, then read on as we explore the following:


  • What Amazon sales rank is
  • Why Amazon sales rank is important 
  • What are the ways to increase sales ranking on Amazon? 

What is Amazon Sales Rank?

Amazon sales rank, also called best seller rank (BSR) is a numerical score that represents an item in its product category and sub-categories. This numerical score spans from as low as one to over a million. Lower scores indicate a superior rank and sellers with a number one score are usually awarded a best seller rank tag. 

The metric is calculated every hour based on recent sales and historical sales of items sold within a product category on Amazon.

To find the Amazon sales rank of any product, simply scroll down to the Product Information section on any product page. Amazon displays the sales rank of the product for the overall category and also narrows it down to a specific product category. 

A good Amazon sales rank depends on the category, recent sales, optimization, amongst other factors. For example, if you are in a saturated category, a “good” score might still be a high figure. On the other hand, if you are in a small niche category, a low score might not mean much. 

Why is your Amazon sales rank important?

So why should you care about your Amazon sales rank? Just like positive reviews, a good sales rank provides good social proof, increasing buyer trust. Consumers are more likely to buy a product with a good Amazon sales ranking. With a good sales ranking, you can substantially increase sales and grow revenue with Amazon

A good sales rank also increases brand awareness, as your products are more likely to appear in top search results, keeping your brand top of mind. In addition, by being able to access the sales rank of your competitors, you can easily access and realign your online marketing strategies and figure out how to generate more income for your business. 

10 ways to increase your Amazon sales rank 

Amazon doesn’t provide a step-by-step method to beat its Algorithm and increase bestseller rankings. Sellers are engaged in a continuous search for how best to increase their sales rank. One thing we do know is that Amazon provides consumers with the most relevant products they are searching for. This means there are actions you can take in order to improve your sales ranking.


Let’s look at ten strategies to improve your sales rank and increase sales on Amazon. 

  1. Carry out keyword research 
  2. Optimize your product title and description
  3. Use high-quality images & videos 
  4. Write compelling sales copy 
  5. Keep your pricing competitive 
  6. Use Sponsored Ads to drive traffic 
  7. Get positive product reviews 
  8. Answer important questions from customers
  9. Utilize Amazon FBA
  10. Harness the power of social media

Carry out keyword research 

Keyword research is vital when it comes to selling on Amazon. To get your products ranking in search results, you will need to identify relevant keywords customers are searching for. You can use keyword research tools like Jungle Scout.


Use relevant keywords throughout your product titles, bullets, and description. This ensures that your products appear in search results, increasing your conversion rates. Always check Amazon’s keyword guidelines to ensure your keyword strategies are spot on. 

Optimize your product title and description 

When crafting your product titles and descriptions, keep your audience in mind. Make sure your product titles are straightforward at first glance. If customers are confused about what your product is about, they are most likely to scroll right past your product. Make your product titles descriptive and creative. Remember to add the most relevant keywords in front of the title and adhere to Amazon’s 200-character limit. 

Use high-quality images and videos 

Most customers want to see images and videos that communicate the value of your product. High-quality images or videos entice your customers and increase your conversion rates. Use professional images that fit within a frame and a white background for your main product image. Incorporate creative lifestyle images or infographics to give customers a more visual idea of the benefits that come with using your product. 

Don’t forget to add some short product videos that bring your products to life. Lastly, ensure all images and videos follow Amazon’s guidelines. 

Write compelling sales copy 

Stuffed keywords, unoptimized pages, and unclear sentences decrease customers’ trust in your product. To inspire trust in your brand and increase sales on Amazon, write compelling sales copy that effectively communicates the benefits of your product. Watch out for grammatical and spelling errors and ensure your content is top-notch. If your sales copy is good, you are more likely to attract customers and increase conversion rates. 

Keep your pricing competitive 

When we think of how to sell on Amazon, one major part to consider is the pricing. If you set your prices too high you might lose customers to your competitors. Set your prices too low and you could spark a price war that devalues your niche. So you want to make sure your prices stay competitive. Consider your profit margins when setting your prices and ensure you factor in your costs. We recommend a profit margin of at least 50% on each product. Carry out research to find out the average price within your niche and stay within it. To make the process easier, you can use automated repricing tools like BQool to automatically adjust your prices. 

Use Amazon Sponsored Ads to drive traffic 

One way to ensure that your conversion rate increases, is to increase visibility. The more customers see your product, the more they are likely to buy. You can drive traffic to your product page by investing in sponsored Ads. 

Amazon Sponsored Ads are pay-per-click ads that increase your product visibility. This is especially useful if you need to increase visibility for a newly launched product. As you invest in sponsored Ads, ensure you monitor your Ad campaigns to get the most out of them. As your campaign generates sales, your sales rank increases over time. 

Get positive product reviews 

Positive product reviews could be a tipping point for customers to choose your product over your competitors. Just like a recommendation from family and friends, positive product reviews give customers the confidence to buy your product. 

Amazon prohibits financial incentivization to get reviews from customers. However, there are simple ways you can persuade a customer to drop a positive review after they make a purchase. You can follow up with your customers using an email reminding them to drop a review after they receive their package. Drop valuable pieces of content through email to build a personal relationship with them and encourage future purchases. 

You can also drop product inserts in your packaging that include valuable content. For example, a thank you card with a reminder to drop a review. However, you must assure that you are staying within Amazon’s rules and regulations.

Answer important questions from customers 

The question and answer section on Amazon provides sellers with the opportunity to interact with customers one on one and answer any key questions they may have about the product. This is an opportunity to build customer relationships and provide good customer service. When customers see well-answered questions on your page, it can help dispel any objections and increase their chances of buying your product. It also triggers more positive reviews which can improve your ranking on Amazon. 

Here are some tips to help you answer Amazon customer questions:

  • Answer questions promptly - at least within 24 hours
  • Give relevant details to the question
  • Make sure your answer is as concise as possible 
  • Answer questions in a personalized way
  • Avoid blaming the customer or providing irrelevant answers

Utilize Amazon FBA 

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service by Amazon that includes storing, shipping, and customer service on behalf of Amazon sellers. All you need to do is send your products to Amazon and they handle the rest. You don’t need to worry about setting up warehouses or handling the intricacies of shipping and customer service. However, the biggest benefit of using the FBA service is that your products become available to over 200 million Amazon Prime members. Customers love quick deliveries and Amazon tends to favor product listings eligible for Prime. This means you get increased brand visibility and ultimately increase sales on Amazon. 

Harness the power of social media 

In today’s world, social media has become a major part of the online marketing strategy of many businesses regardless of their size. It can also be a powerful tool to reach more potential buyers. You can share valuable content like a post linking to a blog. You can use the opportunity to share a link that directs your audience to your product listings on Amazon. You can also run special contests and giveaways that encourage participants to share your product listings on their social media page. Social media is also a great way to build a more personal relationship with your customers and answer any questions they may have. 

Final thoughts 

The benefits of a good Amazon sales rank are enormous. Not only do they increase brand visibility, but they can also increase sales on Amazon. You can also gain valuable insights from competitors with a good best seller rank and make informed improvements that positively impact your business. 

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